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Tools of the Trade

Epoch Education presents ready-to-use tools that you can benefit from in your environment – building better communication, one conversation at a time.

Two people going through a corporate space

Corporate Equity Walk Through

The Corporate Equity Walk-Through tool was designed to support businesses in fostering an ongoing lens of cultural responsiveness through a critical examination of their brand. Inclusivity helps brands connect on a deeper, more meaningful level with their clients and customers. It also enables them to expand their reach and influence, which promotes business growth.

Person looking at social media on their phone

Social Media Audit

The Epoch Education Social Media Audit is designed to help us evaluate our inner circle by taking a close look at who is in it and, more importantly, who is not.

Two people walking in a school hallway looking at a clipboard

Equity Audit Rubric

Interested in examining your curriculum through an equity lens? This Epoch Education tool is a rubric used for inclusive curriculum or literature adoptions.

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